A lot of travelers seek our advice about traveling to Iran. One of the questions that we regularly get asked is how do you rent a car in Iran? What documents do you need? Is it even a good idea?
In this article we will walk you through every step and mention some great benefits of car rental companies in Iran.
What is the first step to rent a car in Iran?
The first step to rent a car anywhere in the world is to first decide on what car is best for you. Ask yourself questions like:
- How many people are going to be with you in the car?
- What are you going to use your car rental for in Iran?
- How much are you willing to spend on your rental car?
After answering these questions, you will probably come down to a few answers.
What are the required documents to rent a car in Iran?
The documents are usually the same all over Iran, beside one or two game changing points. Some companies go easier on tourists.
Overall, you can probably get it done if you have the following with you, which I’m pretty positive you have them when you travel to another country:
- Copy of your passport and visa(easy)
- Copy of your flight ticket (unless you’re traveling by train or bus)
- Copy of your driving license (unless you want to rent a car with driver)
Is that all, well, there’s a bit more:
Terms and conditions:
Renting a car in Iran, like anywhere else in the world, comes with the questions like deposit and insurance. But these are not enough to lure us away from our dreamy road trip in Iran. The conditions are as follows:
- Car Deposit (the price varies depending on the car, is it an economy? Is it a luxurious?)
- Driving Ticket Deposit (in Iran, they won’t tell you right away you’ve had a driving violation, it usually takes 20 days. I had to leave the country the day I returned my rental car and saadattravel company kindly returned my money, trusting my words that I had not violated any driving rules)
- Insurance: I always recommend people to buy the best insurance, whatever its costs, it is going to be less than any damage you might do to the car)
3 reasons why it’s better to rent a car in Iran
Iran attractions: (h3)
Iran is a beautiful country and its attractions are not limited to its big cities; they are scattered all over Iran; for example, Persepolis is located 50 km outside the city and its better to hire a car in shiraz to get there. (we all know you must visit Persepolis)
You save money when you rent a car in Iran:
As a tourist, there are a number of places you’ll want to visit on one single day, and that is going to cost you a lot more if you just take a cab each time.
And if you are thinking of going a little outside the city, do not take a cab, it’s better if you rent a car in Iran to go outside the city; the cab prices to outside the city will probably cost you a day rental.
It’s easier to pay the rental car fee in Iran
you’ve probably heard visa cards won’t work in Iran. Then how on earth are you going to pay for stuff, like the cab driver?
Spare yourself the trouble of visiting exchange stores again and again, car rental companies in Iran accepts other currencies such as euro and dollar.
Last Words:
If you have decided to use car rental in Iran a chance, do your research. There are always good and not so good companies in any business and car rental companies are not an exception. Make sure you do your research and rent from a good company.
There are many car rental companies in Iran, among which SaadatTravel and also Rentkonim are among the reputable ones with various services. You can also search for yourself, compare the prices and make the right decision.
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